M001 MongoDB Basics Q&A (Quiz, Labs & Final Exam)
Lab 2.1 : How many comedies: If you have not already loaded the movieDetails collection, please review the previous video for a tutorial. Then, use the script, loadMovieDetailsDataset.js , provided in the handouts for the lesson, "Connecting to an Atlas Cluster from the Mongo Shell" to load the movieDetails collection. Use Compass to connect to your sandbox cluster. In Compass, view the video.movieDetails collection and apply the filter {genres: "Comedy"} . How many documents in video.movieDetails match the filter {genres: "Comedy"} ? Ans>> 749 Creating Documents: insertOne() Lab 2.2 : How many inserted: If the collection video.myMovies is currently empty, how many documents would be inserted by the following call to insertMany() . db.myMovies.insertMany( [ { "_id" : "tt0084726", ...